Vixen Maheu, HUSSLUP




Vixen Maheu




Available To Work


Vixen's journey is as multifaceted as the Tarot cards he once read as an escort. Navigating the complex layers of human desire and connection, he found solace and understanding within them and his clients. Born into a world of ephemeral connections and societal judgment, Vixen navigated a path riddled with challenges. Yet, amidst the chaos and the nights that seemed to stretch into oblivion, he discovered an inner strength, a voice that had been stifled for too long. His experiences, both tumultuous and tender, and his search for connection through his Tarot abilities, laid the foundation for his debut novel (with a debut feature prospect). An author who intertwines shadow and light, Vixen channels his unique experiences into his writing, painting authentic tales of love, loss, and self-discovery. His prose resonating with vulnerability and fierce determination, painting a portrait of a soul in search of meaning. “Rent Boy” delves deep into the complexities of love—not just romantic love, but self-love, and the courage it takes to reclaim one's power in a world that often seeks to diminish it. It's about confronting the darkest corners of existence, challenging societal norms, and emerging with a love that is pure, unwavering, and transcendent. Through his words, he beckons readers to embark on a journey of introspection and, ultimately, liberation. Beyond the written word, Vixen continues to push boundaries, using his platforms (@its.vix.hun & @erethereal_tarot) to destigmatize the lives of escorts, to challenge societal constructs, and to invite readers to delve into the depths of their own Shadows through Tarot. He has passionately ventured into the world of tarot design & film, recently releasing two bespoke decks and a vast array of shorts. Drawing from his own darkness, he's committed to assisting others in their personal journeys, helping them embrace and learn from the shadows within. A lover of Tarot, moonlit nights, and the enduring promise of a new dawn, Vixen strives to prove that love—in all its forms—is the universe's most potent magic.


Director, Writer/Director, Actor, Screenwriter


Feature, Film, Short Film, Television


Drama, Thriller, Animated

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Vancouver, Montreal

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French, English

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