E. Napoletano, HUSSLUP

E. Napoletano

Creator and writer of delicious “hope burritos”

Reps: Noah Jones/FWRD MGMT and Arine Harapeti, atty


E. Napoletano (she/they) is an award-winning screenwriter, author, and medical journalist with an unapologetic obsession with death and dying. They tell stories that explore how death creates a delicious cocktail of humor, hope, and grace that gives people permission to be who they’ve always wanted to be if they’re brave enough to take a swig … kinda like E. did after their mother died and they (finally) came out as nonbinary and bisexual in their 40s. Yes, who knew? It’s possible to be both nonbinary and bisexual. Certainly not E.’s brother, who refers to E.’s identity as “nonsexual.” He’s a white Republican male in his 50s. Previously, E.’s won such screenwriting accolades as the inaugural Population Media Center Cinestory Fellowship and The Breakk (Karen Kirkland). Currently, E. has 3 projects in active development — which also explains why they’re also trying to dial in the right cold brew-to-anxiety meds ratio. When the laptop closes and the internet signal fades, E. opens the door and collides with a lovely life with two dogs who love to steal E.’s panties and one spouse that does not share E.’s obsession with death but is nonetheless fabulous, despite trouncing E. at Galaga. Every. Fucking. Time.




Half-Hour, Television


Comedy, Dramedy

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Roadmap Writers


University of Houston, BA


Los Angeles


United States of America

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